Custom home pricing is a complex subject. Here are some ways to think about it. Have you ever called a car dealership to ask how much cars cost per pound? You say that’s a ridiculous question? We agree. In fact we expect the dealership’s sales staff would wonder what you had been smoking. The serious… Read more »
Newsletters (Archives)
The Perfiect Kitchen
This imaginative and fun exercise will get you a space that’s just right for your needs One of the many benefits of a new custom home is that the kitchen can be perfectly tailored to support how you cook and entertain. A first step to getting that result is to think through the space in… Read more »
Articles (Archives)
Advantages of a Professional Services Agreement with Baud Builders, Inc.
Team Established At the start of the design phase we establish a team with Baud Builders, architect/designer, engineer and you the homeowner! This allows for a central point of communication with the homeowner throughout this phase. As ideas are generated all team members make decisions with a cooperative approach, allowing for greater efficiency. This fosters… Read more »
Baud Builders Host Builder 20 Club Meeting
Baud Builders hosted their Builder 20 Club, the Craftsmen, earlier this month. As members of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), contractors have the ability to join the 20 Club networking and educational program. Called 20 Clubs because of the cap at 20 members, the residential construction executives are carefully screened and selected by… Read more »
Interviews (Archives)
RIBA Member Profile with David Baud
David Baud was recently interviewed by the Rhode Island Builders Association as part of the Member Profile section of their monthly newsletter. You can learn how he got started in the construction business by reading the entire interview.
Building a Niche Clientele
“Providence Business News” approached David Baud upon his selection as a 2015 National Contractor of the Year to discuss his success. You can read the entire article in “Providence Business News”.